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Arthritis Healing Package (1 Joint)

Save money and combine the power of energy, magnetism, and PRP to induce your body's healing powers!

1 hCT Sports Recovery, 215 Main Street Westport

Service Description

This package is available for $2150 (a more than $2500 value) and includes the power of focus wave technology, magnetolith therapy, and platelet rich plasma to induce healing of arthritic joints from aging or chronic trauma. Also included is a free home exercise program designed to strengthen the muscles around your ailing joints, and a check in with our physical therapist, Christine, at the beginning of your treatment and at the mid point to adjust your exercise program as needed. 1) 5 total Applications of Focus Wave Technology. Best spaced 3-7 days apart 2) 8 total Applications of Magnetic Technology (2x/week for 4 weeks) 3) 1 Platelet Rich Plasma joint injection 4) Home Exercise Program 5) 1 Joint PRP Injection See individual service lines or web pages for further description of PRP and Focus Wave and Magnet Technology. Book online or call/text 203-651-5090 to get your appointments scheduled. Our patient care specialist, Christine, is ready to help! This service is for adults. The growth plate is not affected and there is no EMF emitted with our devices. Book online or call/text 203-651-5090 for more information. Results not guaranteed. More severe issues may require multiple rounds of treatment or multiple injections of PRP.

Cancellation Policy

Intake and consent forms must be filled out to determine candidacy prior to procedure date. The providers reserve the right to refuse certain services, if determined to be unsafe for the client. Please note that you may not be satisfied with your results. No outcomes are guaranteed.

Contact Details

  • 215 Main Street, Westport, CT, USA


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