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shockwave speeds fracture healing

therapy after a fracture

Focused shockwave therapy is well known for speeding the healing of recent fractures as well as helping to restructure pain or other issues from old fractures that have not healed fully. Shockwave induces healing factors in the bone and in systemic circulation to promote the body's mechanisms for healing. Research at one month after treatment showed a systemic increase in Nitric Oxide (a vasodilator/increased blood flow) and bone growth factors, leading to faster union of the fracture site. It releases these osteopromotive factors to induce osteoblasts, which are beneficial to bone healing, and it has been found that these can also be useful in healing old fractures and those that may have healed improperly or incompletely.

When considering acute fractures, a blinded, prospective, randomized trial (aka well-designed to not be biased or have false findings) in dogs treated with shockwave showed that acute fractures treated with shockwave showed more advanced healing at the eight week evaluation than those treated with sham (aka fake) treatment. Using shockwave for acute fractures results in lower rates of poor or nonhealing fractures than those not treated with shockwave.

For non-healing or delayed, the International Journal of Surgery has published data that suggest that fractures that have poor healing should be considered as first-line therapy rather than surgical intervention. They claim this because there are NO KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS from shockwave therapy and NO ANESTHESIA is needed to undergo this therapy that induces healing at the cellular level in a NONINVASIVE application.

Book your shockwave treatment today at CT Sports Recovery! You can conveniently book online at or call or text us at 203-651-5090, and our patient care specialist Christine will take care of you.

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